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Gela’s dialect [ Gela (CL)-Sicily-Italy ]
The author of this research for the vocabulary is my brother ROCKY, who lives in America (U.S.A.)
For up to date research please E-MAIL to my brother ROCKY
Research completed on ( 6/4/99 )
ecca . getta; iccari = gettare.
ecculu . gettalo
emili . gemelli
emininni . andiamo
eni . e`, unna eni=dove e`.
enniru . genero
ennu . andando
ennuennu . col passar del tempo.
Enza . Provvidenza
Enzu . Vincenzo
eri . ieri
essiri . essere
etru fon. ettaro; un ettaro e` uquale a cento are.
ettila . buttala


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